Homeopathy is energy medicine, but what does that actually mean? Energy can be a difficult thing to comprehend when used in terms of medicine and the human body. So let me explain (from my personal viewpoint) what homeopathy is and how it affects the body for past and present traumas.
Firstly, Homeopathy is energy medicine because the remedies produced have no raw material remaining in them (or such negligible amounts as to have any real action). The key point about homeopathy is that it harnesses the energetic properties of a raw material (Plant, Animal, Mineral etc) to treat the cause of symptoms and imbalances of an individual. The remedies are diluted and potentised via a process of succussion, this process releases the energy of the raw material and holds it in a water & alcohol solution. The higher the potency, the further away from the raw material we get. Sounds far out, but remember that science shows that water holds a molecular memory See here for video clip.
We know that the human body is made up of almost 70% water, so its feasible that this water holds memory of illness and trauma, sometimes long after the physical elements of that temporary disturbance have passed.
Grief is an excellent example of this. When we go through a process of grief, it can be a lengthy and highly emotive time. Symptoms of grief can rear their head many many years after that moment in time when you lost a loved one. You could argue that is our personal memories that keep the grief alive, and this is not wrong. But what are thoughts? well they’re energy too, and they can have a positive or negative effect upon our well-being, depending on the nature of that thought. Emotional events can have us “stuck” in a moment of dis-ease that linear time does not erase. The moment has gone but the event remains etched upon our memory and ingrained in our personal linear timeline.
This is where I feel homeopathy comes into its own. It sees the energy is out of balance, it sees the physical symptoms that are a result of this disharmony. It doesn’t attempt to address the symptoms alone as it knows that this becomes a suppressive action on the body and does not address the cause. This is where homeopathy differs from modern medicines allopathic approach. Addressing symptoms without trying to find and treat the cause will not bring about balance.
So, for me homeopathy is neither a waste of time nor energy, it is in fact a recognition of what time and energy have done to us. It is not a quick fix, it takes time to become ill, sometimes many many years pass before symptoms of pathology show, but they may have been under the surface for a long time before we are aware.
A homeopath looks at these symptoms that the body has manifested, they look for causes in the timeline of the client’s life, they listen to the language used to express these conditions and they choose a remedy that most matches the totality of the case. Individuality is the key to homeopathy. We are all different, and a chosen remedy should reflect this.
Shock, grief, anxiety, stress etc are all part of our lives, no one is immune from this, and we all suffer to varying degrees from these events, conditions and thoughts. There are many popular mainstream and alternative treatments for these conditions, from counselling, CBT, EFT, Reflexology, Reiki, Bowen Technique etc, so why not consider homeopathy alongside this? It does not contraindicate these therapies, anyone can use homeopathy, as a stand alone treatment or to support other therapists you work with.